Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here is a taste of what Bill & Joan are doing in Florida....Enjoy...also see the Bill & Joan Album in Picasa...http://picasaweb.google.com/home

Joan & I enjoyed a second cup of tea under the awning by the campfire. I dusted off the suburban and then we rode our bikes to the nearest town called Watercolor. A new town built on the design of Cape May, NJ. The tall beach properties are multi balconies with a tall overlook deck on the forth story. The colors are just un-describable. Every color in the rainbow soft pastels with accents of contrasting colors. The landscaping is perfect every street is brick paved with turquoise and blue pavers intertwined with gray pavers making it look like lace for streets. We stopped at the next town also a new town called Seaside. The first thing we notice were 4 vintage Airstreams setup in the town market square as vendors. The first was a 1960’s Bambi selling shirts and slushy’s. The one on the end, the forth one was a health juice bar. Two other Airstreams in the middle were licensed from Colorado were not yet setup they together are going to be making and selling bar B Que food one does the cooking and the other does the selling according the young man running the first Airstream vendor. We walked around the market square admiring the many shops and the tall new building that were built since we were here two years ago. Watercolor and Seaside have grown or doubled in the last two years and they are still building in both towns. These towns are picture perfect I call paradise. We always take a tour through the corner grocery market as the shelves are 14 feet high stocked with many foods you don’t normally see. The shelves with their colorful goods were worth taking pictures.

The girls on the street were wearing scanty bathing suits heading to the beach from the stores. We took a tour of the shops on the other side of the road that divides the beach area from the town square. We toured a pavilion that had tables and chairs all made of shinny aluminum with an overview of the beach. People laying on the beach sunning themselves. A few were in the water. I counted over 100 bright blue umbrellas with two blue matching chairs and a young man with a clip board taking rental fees for the umbrellas and chairs. We checked out some more shops and lots of the shops were jewelry, stylish clothes and all kinds of glass. We decided to eat at the Pickle Place it had a large menu but we settled on the Paradise Hamburgers. After lunch we went to the Airstream vendor on the end and spoke to the young man and Joan bought the pink tee shirt with the picture of the Airstream and logo called Fast Bites. We arrived home at 12:45 pm temp is 70°. Joan is relaxing outside behind the Airstream that faces the lake. Bill & Joan

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